笔趣阁 > 纵横列国策 > 英语趣闻笑话


    【Amusing Tales·Wit and Wisdom】

    In a bustliaurant one fine day, a fetful diner atally left his trouser fly unzipped This embarrassing moment was astutely notied by a lever female server With a fsh of wit, she subtly alerted the diner saying, otSir, it appears that your 039039ar door039039 isn039039t properly losedot Upon hearing this, the diner039039s fae turned pale, rushing down to the underground parking lot To his surprise, he found his ar doors seurely shut Just as he was about to express his irritation, a male seurity guard dislosed the true meaning behind the server039039s remark The diner, now enlightened, returo the upper floor with a smile, jesting to the server, otMiss, siioned my 039039ar door039039 wasn039039t losed, did you happen to ath sight of my 039039driver039039?ot The ik-witted server pyfully replied, otI didn039039t see any 039039driver039039, but I did notie that your 039039two wheels039039 were still spinning right where they belong!ot

    This humorous exge relied on the use of euphemisms, where the 039039ar door039039 refers to the diner039039s unzipped trousers, the 039039driver039039 being a heeky refereo the diner himself, and the 039039two wheels039039 symbolially pointing to his feet The light-hearted banter between the server and the diner not only diffused the awkward situation but alsht about a shared hukle among those who uand the implied meanings



    【Chapter on Humor - Everyday Annoyanesot】

    Hey, sometimes lifebe so dull! Last month, a buddy of mine borrowed 4,000 buks from me for a eti surgery Now, I ’t even reize what he looks like! As, I guess that 4,000 dolrs has vanished along with his old appearane!



    2、Dad really id it on thie today, giviwo soldings in one day The first was for showing him a test paper with a sore that was even lower than his own hildhood report ard The sed time, well, it urely beause he realized that the report ard atually ame from his own youthful days!


    3、Look at your eyes, one side like the rest moon at the beginning of the month, and the other like the full moon on the fifteenth, eah with its own harm!

    Madam, please alm down I know it was inappropriate to use the bedsheet to wipe my shoes I haven’t fully swithed bae mode siurning from my busirip I guess I srewed up this time!

    Your new hat is absolutely hirious! Sorry, I ’t help it, the humor is to, that style is like… uh, never mind, I think I’ll just keep ughing!

    Hubby is ughing at his wife’s new hat, enjoying her misfortuhe wife responds with a old snort “Hmph, just wait until the bill arrives, let’s see if youstill ugh then!”





    4、In the mall, a lerk tells a fashionably dressed woman seriously, otMiss, the ten hundred-yuan bills in your hand are all terfeitot The woman is stunned otAh, I am I being robbed?!ot

    After the thief was arrested, the judge is puzzled otWhy didn039039t you steal valuable items, but iook things that are worth very little?ot The thief responds helplessly, otIt039039s beause of this that my wife has been nagging me for over a month!ot

    A tourist asks the Zen master, otMaster, is that-thathed ottage over there the toilet?ot The Zen master smiles almly, otVenerable guest, apart from that-thathed ottage, anywhere elsebe sidered a toiletot

    In the ourtroom, the defense wyer asks the jury solemnly, otIf a wyer and a politi were to fall into the water at the same time, would you hoose to go for offee or wath a movie?ot The whole ourtroom is stunned





    5、To enhahe user experiene, a ertain pany deided to print otPlease open hereot otle ap and otom of the bottle, they engraved otPlease open from the other endot Sure enough, the user experiene was enhaned, and the diffiulty of opening the bottle was also doubled

    Fag the polie039039s estioning, the thief insisted, otThese aren039039t trash, they039039re anties I039039ve olleted with great effort! If you don039039t like them, feel free to throw them awayot

    We are all aed to thinking that the brain is the most important an of the body, but don039039t fet, the one making that judgment is the brain itself




    6、When it es to artifiial intelligend natural foolishness, the two are hardly parable After all, what we herish is the purely natural silliness

    The people whostill smile in the fae of fiere publi ritiism are usually not beause they are strong inside, but beause they have already found someoo take the bme

    A few days ago, I eagerly signed up for a weight loss amp, and they atually suggested that I wear loose lothes for the training Hey, if I had loose lothes, why would I bother to sign up in the first pe?

    7、Time flies When we were young, we used to make funny faes in front of the mirror but when we grow old, we realize that the mirror has been giving us ba our ownall along

    If my pany were divided by IQ, it ould probably form a small flying sadron, after all, idiotsall soar into the sky

    A to statistis, at a grand ba, a hundred men beame verbose and fused, emotional, impulsive, and their driving skills plummeted after drinking twenty bottles of beer Based on this, experts that there might be trae amounts of estrogen in the beer!

    8、[Wisdom Snak Bar]

    er servie hotline reminder If you seek free sultation and advie, we are always on standby but if you need definitive answers, please look for paid servies elsewhere

    [Healing Prorastination] One upon a time, I had a serious habit of lying in bed Every time the arm lok went off, I would asually turn it off and go bak to sleep Until one day, I arefully ped three mousetraps o the arm lok, and magially, this bad habit disappeared Sihen, I have beeing the m sun on time

    [The Art of Self-Depreation] I have doless stupid things, but I remain alm, as my friends joke that it is a ase of otexessive self-fidene syndromeot

    9、[Blind Assoiation Publi Welfare Remihe Blind Assoiation reminds everyone Don039039t let alohol numb your senses, espeially never drive after drinking

    [A Medial Chek-up Adventure] A blood donation experiene made me realize the o lose weight, as there were substanes simir to rd in the blood I donated

    [The Joy of Experimentation] Stifi exploration is endless I put two little bugs in whiskey and pure water, respetively As a result, the bug in the whiskey unfortunately passed away, whih at least proves that drinkers039039 iines are not easy to breed pests












